April Family Newsletter


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Happy April! This month we celebrate Arab American Month, Poetry Month, and National Autism Month. We will be having various activities for our students so that they can continue to learn about various people.  Thank you to all of the families that supported parent engagement events such as STEM First Fridays, the AttenDANCE celebrations, Real Talk, and Black Women's History celebration. Since we have started these initiatives, more families have come into the building, and we love having you!  Welcome to our new PTA President, Jasmine Willis!!! As always, please check out our calendar on the Homepage.


Student Supports. We have been preparing our students for the NYS ELA and Math exams taking place in April and May. We will continue until the state exams to support through in school and afterschool test prep. We are also pleased to announced that we began our K to 2 Saturday Academy on March 2nd to close gaps in literacy and mathematics. 


Grades 3 and 4: April 11th and April 12th

Grade 5: April 16th and April 17th

Please be advised that Grade 5 students will be taking their exam on the computer. 


NYS Math Exam

Grades 3 and 4: May 7th and May 8th

Grade 5: May 14th and May 15th

Please be advised that Grade 5 students will be taking their exam on the computer. 


NYS State Science

Grade 5: May 16th

Please be advised that Grade 5 students will be taking their exam on the computer. 


Our Data Story is as follows: 

  • On the New York State ELA exam, we went from 19% proficiency in the 21/22 school year to 33% proficiency in the 22/23 school year. 
  • On the New York State Math exam, we went from 15% proficiency in the 21/22 school year to 34% proficiency in the 22/23 school year
  • We are continuing to make strides on the southside. 


Save the Date. We will be sending out Save the Dates for the Awards ceremonies in June as well as ticket information for Stepping Up Ceremonies for 3K, PreK, and Kindergarten. Information regarding Senior prom and graduation will be going out as well. Please be on the lookout. As with last year, there will be three (3) tickets per Grade 5 student and three (3) tickets per Kindergarten student. Grade 5 families have a new message in Grade 5 Corner. 

School Upgrades. Our school is getting some upgrades! Last month, the floor in two classrooms on the third floor were done. The hallway floors on the first and third floors were done in addition to landings on each floor. Additionally, we will be solar powered by July 19th! We have flowers being planted and grown around the school. 


Uniforms. We are a uniform school. Please ensure that your child wears uniforms Mondays through Thursdays. Beginning in January, there was a major focus on students wearing their uniform. Please reach out to Ms. Tomblin, our Parent Coordinator, to get uniforms if you are in need. Please know that failure to wear uniform is a violation in the NYC Discipline Code Book. More information is found below. 


Attendance. It is very important that your child attends school on a daily. Attendance is connected to promotion as not being present causes learning loss. If your child has a doctor's appointment in the morning, they may still come to school after the appointment. They will be marked late, but they will not lose out on the whole day's instruction and be considered present. We just hosted our second AttenDANCE Party. This party recognizes and celebrates our students who have perfect attendance. Families are welcomed to come with their children. For the month of March, we will be celebrating over 200 students. 

Please be sure to know that the building opens at 7:30 am each weekday morning, and so whether they want breakfast or not, it is greatly advisable that students come inside rather than waiting in the schoolyard in frigid and/or inclement. 


Birthday Celebrations. Please ensure that you are using the Birthday Celebrations Form so that teachers have notice of your child's birthday. Please contact our Parent Coordinator, Ms. Tomblin, for more information as well as visit our Birthday Policies on our website. 


Communication. At this time, you should be signed up for ClassDojo. It is how we communicate schoolwide information. 


3K Entrance/Exit 6 Entrance/Exit 6
PREK Entrance/Exit 5 Entrance/Exit 5
KINDERGARTEN Main Entrance to the Auditorium Schoolyard at Assigned Spot
GRADE 1 Schoolyard at Assigned Spot Schoolyard at Assigned Spot
GRADE 2 Schoolyard at Assigned Spot Schoolyard at Assigned Spot
GRADE 3 Schoolyard at Assigned Spot Schoolyard at Assigned Spot
GRADE 4 Schoolyard at Assigned Spot Schoolyard at Assigned Spot
GRADE 5 Schoolyard at Assigned Spot Entrance/Exit 1

All late students MUST enter through the Main Entrance beginning at 8:10 am. 



  • Arrival: Grade 1 to 5 students report to the gymnasium
  • Arrival: Grades 3K to Kindergarten report to the auditorium
  • ALL students are dismissed to their designated spots for dismissal
    • Grade K to 5 students are dismissed to the schoolyard. Kindergarten dismisses at 2:15 pm.
    • 3K and PreK students get dismissed in the small schoolyard at 2:15 pm. Any student that is not picked up by 2:30 pm is brought to the auditorium for Parent Pick Up. Students must be signed/scanned out.



Grades 3K to Kindergarten: 2:15 pm 

Grades 1 to 5: 2:20 pm


Students taking the yellow bus are to go to their designated boarding area in the Main Lobby.


All changes in dismissal arrangements must be submitted in writing to the teacher and Main Office by 1:00 pm.  To ensure student’s safety, verbal requests will not be honored.  In addition, students will only be released to names listed on the blue emergency cards. Please note that there are no early pick ups after 1:45 pm.   


If your child brings their own lunch to school, please be reminded that students have different food allergies, so speak to your child about not sharing their lunch or snacks with other children.


Lost Items can be found in the “Lost and Found” located in the cafeteria. Please label all of your child’s belongings (lunch bags, sweaters, coats, backpacks) so that in the event that they lose it, it can be found easily in the Lost and Found.


Uniform is fully enforced. Please make sure that your child is in FULL uniform Mondays through Thursdays. Hoodies/sweaters are not allowed unless they are school issued, solid black, solid navy, or solid grey.


See Full Uniform Policy