Arrival and Dismissal Policy
Early Pick Up Procedure
- Early pick-up may only be requested if an emergency arises.
- All early pick-up requests must be in writing via email to Ms. Tomblin ( by 1:00 PM.
- Verbal requests can not be honored in order to ensure students’ safety.
- Early pick up must be completed by 1:45 PM.
- Any families requesting early pick up and do not arrive by 1:45 PM, will need to wait for regular dismissal in the schoolyard at 2:20 PM.
- Pick-up person must enter through the main lobby, present ID, and sign out your child at school safety.
- School safety will then call the main office.
- Office staff will check your child’s blue card to ensure the person is listed.
- A member of our staff will contact your child's teacher so that they may pack up.
- A member of our staff will escort your child(ren) to the main lobby.
Thank you for your continued cooperation!
Hot/Cold Breakfast from 7:30 am to 7:55 am
- Grade K to 5 students enter at Main Entrance
- Students eating breakfast: Cafeteria
- Students not eating breakfast: Schoolyard
- There will no longer be breakfast in the classroom.
- Please note that 3K and PreK students eat breakfast in the classroom between 8:10 am and 8:50 am.
Arrival and Dismissal Information
3K | Entrance/Exit 6 | Entrance/Exit 6 |
PREK | Entrance/Exit 5 | Entrance/Exit 5 |
KINDERGARTEN | Schoolyard at Assigned Spot | Schoolyard at Assigned Spot |
GRADE 1 | Schoolyard at Assigned Spot | Schoolyard at Assigned Spot |
GRADE 2 | Schoolyard at Assigned Spot | Schoolyard at Assigned Spot |
GRADE 3 | Schoolyard at Assigned Spot | Schoolyard at Assigned Spot |
GRADE 4 | Schoolyard at Assigned Spot | Schoolyard at Assigned Spot |
GRADE 5 | Schoolyard at Assigned Spot | Entrance/Exit 1 |
All late students MUST enter through the Main Entrance beginning at 8:10 am. During the first two days, Kindergarten students will arrive and be dismissed in the Gymnasium
- Arrival: Grade 1 to 5 students report to the gymnasium
- Arrival: Grades 3K to Kindergarten report to the auditorium
- ALL students are dismissed to their designated spots for dismissal
- Grade K to 5 students are dismissed to the schoolyard. Kindergarten dismisses at 2:15 pm.
- 3K and PreK students get dismissed in the small schoolyard at 2:15 pm. Any student that is not picked up by 2:30 pm is brought to the auditorium for Parent Pick Up. Students must be signed/scanned out.
Grades 3K to Kindergarten: 2:15 pm
Grades 1 to 5: 2:20 pm
Students taking the yellow bus are to go to their designated boarding area in the Main Lobby.
All changes in dismissal arrangements must be submitted in writing to the teacher and Main Office by 1:00 pm. To ensure student’s safety, verbal requests will not be honored. In addition, students will only be released to names listed on the blue emergency cards. Please note that there are no early pick ups after 1:45 pm.