December Family Newsletter


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Happy December! December is a time for celebration, gratitude, and preparation for the year ahead. Thank you for all of your support thus far, especially to the families and community members that supported and volunteered their time to attend these various events! Thank you to all the families that have joined us last month for our STEM First Friday, Fall Spirit Week, and Friendship Day Feast! Thank you for all of the wonderful food! We appreciate your continued support!

We also thank you for coming to Parent Teacher Conferences earlier last month to discuss your child's progress thus far in the school year. At the conferences, your child's reading level should have been shared with you. We began preparing students in Grade 3 to 5 with mock exams in literacy and these exams will continue into this month. Math mock exams will take place on December 4th and December 5th. 


Welcome to our new Occupational Therapist, Ms. Kandasami! 


Progress reports. They will be sent out on December 20th with your child's current reading level. Families in Grades 3 to 5 will also receive results from the first mock test. Preliminary results show that we are on target for the most part. 


Our Data Story is as follows: 

  • On the New York State ELA exam, we went from 33% proficiency in the 22/23 school year to 34.4% proficiency in the 23/24 school year. 
  • On the New York State Math exam, we went from 34% proficiency in the 21/22 school year to 53% proficiency in the 22/23 school year
  • We are continuing to make strides on the southside. 


STEM and Clubs: This year, we implemented clubs for our students. One club was the Dance Club. These students will be performing for all  families on December 10th. More information will be posted on ClassDojo. This year, our students in grades 2 and 3 receive STEM as part of their daily curriculum. Ms. McCall, our STEM Teacher, will be coordinating a first ever STEM Showcase on December 11th at 6 pm. A flyer will be coming out soon. 


Spelling Bee. We held our Spelling Bee Finals on November 22nd. The winning word was "teriyaki." Congratulations to our three winners! The Champion and the Second Place winner will be representing PS 354Q at the Queens South Spelling Bee. 

Spelling Bee Champion: Temitope A. 

Second Place: Temidireayo B. 

Third Place: Dylon A. 


Picture Day for Grades 2 through 5. This will take place on December 3rd. 


Open Classroom Week. This school year, we implemented Open Classrooms Week to support our families learn more about our school community. During Open Classroom Week, you will have the opportunity to visit your child's learning environment and to see your child's student work portfolio. Schedule will be posted on ClassDojo.


Winter Recess. On the original 2024/2025 New York City Public Schools' calendar, December 23rd was not listed as part of the Winter Recess. In recent weeks, the Chancellor announced that winter recess will now include December 23rd. As a result, the last day of school will be December 20th. School reopens on January 2, 2025. 


Uniforms. We are a uniform school. Please ensure that your child wears uniforms Mondays through Thursdays. More information is found below. 


Attendance. There are 15 instructional days of school in the month of December. It is very important that your child attends school on a daily. Attendance is connected to promotion as not being present causes learning loss. 


Communication. At this time, you should be signed up for ClassDojo. It is how we communicate schoolwide information. 


Arrival and Dismissal 

All K to 5 students enter from the schoolyard  each morning. Grade K students line up in the gym. Please see our Arrival and Dismissal Policy in the Family Handbook. Any student that arrive after 8:05 am are considered late AND must sign in using the main entrance.

All students are dismissed to the schoolyard.  Late students are brought into the gym at 2:25 pm and the back lobby doors are closed after that. After 2:25 pm, all families must go through the main entrance and sign the late sheets. 


Thank you for your collaboration, and as always, stay safe! 





ZOE G. - PRE-K      |        SARAH C - PRE-K        |        MASSIAMI L. - GRADE K        |        PRESTIGE J. - GRADE K     |        AMELIA J - GRADE K


LAYANNA B - GRADE 1     |       KYNG S - GRADE 1      |      MADISON G - GRADE 1      |     MYLA M - GRADE 1     |      SAVANNAH M - GRADE 1


DEMARIO I - GRADE 2    |      AUSTIN D - GRADE 2      |    TEVIN P - GRADE 2    |     TEVIA P - GRADE 2    |     AVEERA B - GRADE 2    |    MALEENA C - GRADE 2     




3K Entrance/Exit 6 Entrance/Exit 6
PREK Entrance/Exit 5 Entrance/Exit 5
KINDERGARTEN Main Entrance to the Auditorium Schoolyard at Assigned Spot
GRADE 1 Schoolyard at Assigned Spot Schoolyard at Assigned Spot
GRADE 2 Schoolyard at Assigned Spot Schoolyard at Assigned Spot
GRADE 3 Schoolyard at Assigned Spot Schoolyard at Assigned Spot
GRADE 4 Schoolyard at Assigned Spot Schoolyard at Assigned Spot
GRADE 5 Schoolyard at Assigned Spot Entrance/Exit 1

All late students MUST enter through the Main Entrance beginning at 8:10 am. 



  • Arrival: Grade 1 to 5 students report to the gymnasium
  • Arrival: Grades 3K to Kindergarten report to the auditorium
  • ALL students are dismissed to their designated spots for dismissal
    • Grade K to 5 students are dismissed to the schoolyard. Kindergarten dismisses at 2:15 pm.
    • 3K and PreK students get dismissed in the small schoolyard at 2:15 pm. Any student that is not picked up by 2:30 pm is brought to the auditorium for Parent Pick Up. Students must be signed/scanned out.



Grades 3K to Kindergarten: 2:15 pm 

Grades 1 to 5: 2:20 pm


Students taking the yellow bus are to go to their designated boarding area in the Main Lobby.


All changes in dismissal arrangements must be submitted in writing to the teacher and Main Office by 1:00 pm.  To ensure student’s safety, verbal requests will not be honored.  In addition, students will only be released to names listed on the blue emergency cards. Please note that there are no early pick ups after 1:45 pm.   


If your child brings their own lunch to school, please be reminded that students have different food allergies, so speak to your child about not sharing their lunch or snacks with other children.


Lost Items can be found in the “Lost and Found” located in the cafeteria. Please label all of your child’s belongings (lunch bags, sweaters, coats, backpacks) so that in the event that they lose it, it can be found easily in the Lost and Found.


Uniform is fully enforced. Please make sure that your child is in FULL uniform Mondays through Thursdays. Hoodies/sweaters are not allowed unless they are school issued, solid black, solid navy, or solid grey.


See Full Uniform Policy